From this point, we are trying to do a research on the Internet to find out which is the best web hosting that provides a best service and best value. Base on our experiences and our team’s research we found that HostGator is the best web hosting for general needs.
If you decided to buy a web hosting, don’t think too much about the price but the quality of their service. Example HostGator is a bit expensive if we compare to another cheap web hosting. But their service is very best. Why we claim like this? Because HostGator provides many good service and tools for their clients and 24h/7days support with many technicians. So you can online with them, chat with them or call to them for any support. Believe us if you don’t want to change your web hosting in the future.
HostGator have a lot of support and open source CMS programs. But don’t buy domain name from HostGator, it’s a bit expensive.
How to Buy Hosting From HostGator
Step 1: To get discount from HostGator, click on this link: Discount here!Step 2: On HostGator site, click on menu “Web Hosting” to choose web hosting plan. If you wish to build website more than 1, you have to choose “Baby Plan”.
Step 3: If you have domain name already just type it into column 2. We recommend you buy domain name first. Let’s see how to buy a domain name.
Step 4: Type in the coupon code 1CENTFORHGT to pay only $0.01 for first month or POCONG25OFF to get discount 25%.
Step 5: Fill in your billing information such as your name, address and visa card. And then click on button “Create Account”. Note: Don’t forget to verify to total due with your discount.
Step 6: Congratulations! Your order has been complete.
Finally you log in to your email account to check a link to your HostGator Control Panel or you can type directly to this address on address bar of your browser: then enter your user name and password. Don’t forget to change a new password in your cpanel.
Wait! Don’t forget COUPON code when you buy web hosting. Coupon code always change from time to time, so please do a search on google to find the best coupon code that suit your purchase.How to Buy Web Hosting
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