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Friday, May 25, 2012

Marketing in the Age of Google

Marketing in the Age of Google
How to use search to better understand your customers and attract new ones, how to develop a comprehensive search strategy for your business, and how to build execution of this strategy into the businesses processes. This isn’t another book about paid search for advertisers. This book focuses on organic listings – the unpaid results that receive 86% of searcher clicks.
Written by search engine guru Vanessa Fox, formerly Google’s search engine strategy spokesperson and creator of Google Webmaster Central.
Explains from a businessperson’s perspective how to develop a successful search engine strategy.
Shows how to use the easily accessible data from search engines to increase qualified traffic, better understand customers, and strengthen customer relationships.
Reveals how smaller companies can leverage search engine marketing to achieve parity with larger brands.
With this book in hand, every businessperson will have the knowledge and the tools to maximize the potential of search engine marketing to build a brand, draw new prospects, and generate sales.
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