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Friday, May 25, 2012

Tested Advertising Methods

Tested Advertising Methods
(Note: I recommend this book to only serious marketers. If you seriously want to dive into REAL Marketing game than read this book.)
A legend in advertising for more than 60 years, John Caples’s classic work has been updated to retain all of the candid analysis and invaluable award-winning ideas from the original while bringing it up to date on the many changes in the field.
It is so good because Caples was in the mail order advertising business for forty-something years, and that’s one of the few kinds of advertising that gets real feedback. Ads can be tested and the results can be compared. So Caples gives you FACTS rather than opinions about what works in advertising.
The book is very informative and also very interesting because Caples will show you two examples of ads he ran as a split-run and says “one sold three times more than the other; can you guess which one?” Then he’ll tell you, and tell you WHY.
Not only that, but the book is extremely readable. I’m the author of Self-Help Stuff That Works, and I’m an expert on putting the most useful information into a readable form, and this book is as good as it gets. As David Ogilvy says in the introduction, “This is, without a doubt, the most USEFUL book about advertising that I have ever read.” No more endorsement than that is needed!
Download Link (Please rotate the book view clockwise to have the best reading experience)

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